Natto for Blood Flow

Blood Flow

Fibrinogen (a blood clotting protein) levels rise as we get older. And high levels of fibrinogen usually lead to increased platelet aggregation, blood clots, and eventually heart attack or stroke. High fibrinogen levels are considered a more dangerous risk factor for heart attack and stroke than high cholesterol. A study of 2,116 men found that … Read more

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids


A balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is essential to promoting and maintaining health. According to Artemis Simpoulos, M.D., President of the Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health in Washington D.C. and co-author of The Omega Plan (Harper Collins, 1998), “The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the typical Western diet is … Read more

Pine Bark to the Rescue!

Pine Bark

In an eight-week study in Great Britain, pine bark extract was used to treat 21 patients with severe chronic venous insufficiency (including ankle swelling and a history of venous ulcerations). On average, the patients had had symptoms for almost six years. After taking pine bark extract everyone showed significant improvement in edema, as well as … Read more

What is Vitamin K?

Originally identified as a fat-soluble nutrient required for normal blood coagulation, vitamin K is actually a family of similar compounds, which recent research reveals are also necessary for integrating calcium into bone and preventing its deposit within blood vessels. The latest research also indicates vitamin K possesses significant anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory actions. In nature, vitamin … Read more

Unknowingly Poisoned

Esperance in Western Australia

After months of investigation, including testing residents for lead contamination, it was determined that wind blown lead particles had contaminated the town’s air, water and food supplies. The entire town was slowly and unknowingly being poisoned with lead Click here to read more

Live Longer with DHA

Researchers enrolled 34 volunteers, aged 39-66 years, half of whom consumed a half-teaspoon of DHA daily, while the other half received a daily half-teaspoon of olive oil for 90 days, in addition to regular meals. DHA reduced the number of small LDL particles by 22% and increased the number of large LDL particles by 127%. … Read more

Are You Getting a Full Spectrum of Mixed Carotenoid in Your Diet?

Carotene Rich Foods

Unless you eat a wide variety of carotenoid-containing foods (tomatoes, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, broccoli, etc.) you are probably not getting adequate amounts of the full range of carotenoid compounds— powerful antioxidants that protect our cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals. And even if you eat like a rabbit, because … Read more

Take Alpha Carotene for a Longer, Healthier Life!

Carotene Rich Foods

A research team at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention followed more than 15,000 adults who participated in the Third Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, estimating the direct relationship between concentrations of serum carotene and death. The researchers compared the carotene concentration with death records and found that the individuals with the highest … Read more

The Mystery of the Toxic Town!

Here’s a quick story… In 2006, the residents of the beautiful coastal community of Esperance in Western Australia noticed that the local seabirds were inexplicably dying. This was not just a handful of dead birds, but thousands and thousands of birds. The local officials investigated and determined the birds were dying of acute lead poisoning. … Read more