Growth Hormone – Essential to Health – Declines With Age

Pituitary Gland

Growth hormone (GH) is involved in a wide variety of activities essential to health, including the repair of damaged tissue in bones, organs and muscles; maintaining muscle mass; insulin sensitivity and burning fat; promoting strong immune defenses; and supporting healthy blood vessels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. GH is produced by the pituitary gland, which … Read more

Triage Theory of Micronutrients

serotonin chemistry

In October 2009, Dr. Bruce Ames and his research team from Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute in Oakland, California, published the article Vitamin K, an example of triage theory: is micronutrient inadequacy linked to diseases of aging? in the October 2009 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. While some insiders immediately recognized the … Read more

Use N-Acetylcarnosine (NAC) to Prevent Cataracts

Picture of a senile cataract eye

A study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics provides further proof that eye drops containing n-acetylcarnosine, abbreviated as NAC, can slowly reverse existing cataracts and prevent new ones from forming. This study builds upon NAC’s already impressive clinical track record for the prevention and reversal of cataracts. Since the start of this century, NAC has been … Read more

Vitamin K2 is More Important than Calcium for Preventing Osteoporotic Fracture

Bone Density Examples

In human studies, 25 years of research has linked osteoporotic fracture with vitamin K insufficiency. A study published in 1984 found that patients who suffered fractures caused by osteoporosis had vitamin K levels 70% lower than age-matched controls. This association has been repeatedly confirmed. One recent trial involving almost 900 men and women found those … Read more

Keep Calcium Out of Your Arteries!

Calcium Clogged Pipes

From assisting the development of bone, to preventing arterial calcification, to fighting off cancer and inflammation, vitamin K is the new hot nutrient and for good reason. One of the vitamin K-dependent proteins, matrix Gla-protein (MGP) is the strongest inhibitor of tissue calcification presently known. MGP is produced by small muscle cells in our blood … Read more

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA is secreted by the adrenal glands, and also produced in the gonads (testes and ovaries), and brain. It is sometimes called the “mother of all hormones” because it is the building block from which estrogen and testosterone are produced, and is vital to health. Thousands of scientific articles have been published on DHEA during … Read more

Low Serotonin Solution Without Drugs


Serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptomine (5-HT), was first identified over 50 years ago. Since then, scientists have found that low serotonin can be a serious problem for many people. It is responsible for a wide variety of central nervous system effects, including emotional equanimity, restful sleep, the regulation and perception of pain, sexual behavior, appetite control, and … Read more

Magnolia is Nature’s Stress Fighter!

Happy People

If you need help in reducing your stress and anxiety levels—and most of us probably do—you should be aware of Magnolia Extract, an ancient Chinese medicine that has been proven as a powerful antioxidant, anticancer weapon, and an amazingly effective tool to combat the stress and anxiety of modern life. To learn more about the … Read more

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids


A balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is essential to promoting and maintaining health. According to Artemis Simpoulos, M.D., President of the Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health in Washington D.C. and co-author of The Omega Plan (Harper Collins, 1998), “The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the typical Western diet is … Read more

Citrulline Stronger for Men

Fool around with arginine

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over study conducted by researchers at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany showed oral L-citrulline increased L-arginine blood levels and boosted nitric oxide-dependent signaling and therefore levels of cGMP much more effectively than L-arginine. Other studies have confirmed that supplementing with L-citrulline can actually reverse blood vessel lining dysfunctions! Click here … Read more