Supplement Testimonials

Tell the world about your personal experiences with dietary supplements.  Our readers want to know what has worked for you, what hasn’t, and your thoughts about different supplement ingredients and formulas. 

7 thoughts on “Supplement Testimonials”

  1. I love the Protect Zinc Spray. It tastes great. The added peppermint oil is refreshing. It targets nicely the mouth and throat area where it is the most needed. No sweetener. It is great to have on the go. I also feel that this way I do not have to worry about taking too much zinc.
    Zinc bisglycinate – a well-tolerated and well-absorbed zinc chelate – is comprised of one zinc molecule bound to two (bis = two) molecules of the amino acid glycine. Because this form of zinc is absorbed intact (that is, bound to glycine) it does not compete with other minerals for absorption in the intestinal tract. — Great and innovative product!

  2. The Clary Sage SEED oil or Sage Omega-3 is not known by many people, but deserves its place in the market place. It is a better Omega-3 in the sense that it is stable at room temperature for 2 years. It contains precious antioxidants like sclareol. It is pure, unpolluted, unprocessed, and organic. The ALA Omega-3 has many benefits not found in other Omega-3’s. Most people convert ALA perfectly fine to EPA and DHA in the amount needed for the body. ALA is found in mother’s milk and the simplest form of Omega-3. On top of it, it comes from a beautiful sage plant. How can anyone not love this?

  3. My wife Val and I woke up on Thanksgiving morning this year and things were different, better. On December 8th we will be married for 36-years and I can honestly say I can count on one hand the amount of times Val woke up without complaining about her sleep.
    She was a Registered Nurse working in pediatrics for 30-years until she retired. She worked a lot of nights while we raised our three kids together. Sleep was elusive because she was always tired but never wanted to miss out on the other activities that were going on with me and kids. I used to think, “this woman is a machine, how does she do it?” If I took one red-eye home on a business trip I was off for days and she just kept chugging along. Even after the kids had grown and flew the coop, she never really go in the “sleep groove”.

    So we have done what a lot of couples do when it comes to trying to get a good nights sleep, we keep upgrading and spending a fortune on mattresses. Yes, we bought into that myth too. I even remember one day seriously considering a mattress that would cost around $15,000.00. I’m not here to offend those of you who have made the investment, and we love a good mattress, I’m only saying that for Val, it wasn’t the mattress quality that was the problem, it was her mind and body.

    Valerie just couldn’t slip into nighttime or daytime sleep without a struggle. When she did fall asleep she woke up at 3:00 A.M to go to the bathroom and was wide awake thinking for the rest of the night.

    She never felt completely rested. Until now.

    As some of you may have read in my testimonial, I found Life Priority in April and Michelle has helped me immensely with my health by recommending the right Life Priority supplements for my specific needs. In July, she mentioned a Durk and Sandy formulation I had not heard of that she uses and loves called Productive Sleep. At that moment I had that feeling of hope, not so much for me, but for Val. So I ordered my first bottle to give it the test. I was hopefully skeptical when I placed the order.

    Fast forward five months and many great nights of sleep behind her, Val is thrilled with the results of Productive Sleep. I love it too! Productive Sleep is not ever going to be out of stock in our supplement cabinet.

    From my personal experience using the formulation I drink 2 tsp in water, (tastes great) about 30-minutes before I am going to go to sleep. In about 15-minutes I start to calm down and my brain just relaxes along with my body. By the time I hit the bed I am in a Zen feeling of relaxation that lets me go off to sleep without resistance. I wake up refreshed and positive. Both our moods have improved. Productive Sleep contains GABA which (According to has been proven to relieve anxiety and improve mood among other benefits.

    So, hold off on that $15,000 mattress purchase for a little while and put Productive Sleep to the test, it’s a lot less expensive and works every time. I’d also recommend you schedule a call with Michelle so she can help you customize a complete health and wellness program for you and your family. Our health is the best investment we can make today, isn’t it?

    Here’s to better sleep and a better mood throughout the Holiday Season,
    Jack and Val Yurich

    Satisfied Life Priority Customers

  4. Smart Publications- Thank you for introducing the wonderful supplement drink mix, “Productive Sleep”, by legendary scientists Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, authors of Life Extension book. “Productive Sleep” has five key ingredients that have renewed my night time routine to help calm my brain after a long day. Research has found that day time naps have great beneficial effects on cognition but after you have fall asleep at night Productive Sleep helps to restore your sleep pathways. This product have really helped me at night to slip into my nighttime rest and I know I am energizing my brain for the next day.

  5. i would say one of the most beneficial supplements ive taken is gnc’s fish oil.i take it at 3 grams it has helped me with depression and my inflammation levels are low.i would recommend everyone use fish oil supplements.dhea is also beneficial for my mental focus and sexual stamina.i believe in aggressive supplementation similar to what ray kurzweil does.i believe we need full health freedom and ephedra should be legal again.i would encourage people to always research the supplements they are thinking about taking.


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