Silymarin and Silybin from Milk Thistle

In 1968, a group of German scientists discovered the active flavonoid complex silymarin, which provides milk thistle’s medicinal benefits.

Since then, hundreds of studies have been done on silymarin, and it is approved in the German Commission E Monographs (the most accurate information available on the safety and efficacy of herbs) as a supportive treatment for inflammatory liver conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty infiltration caused by alcohol and other toxins.

Silymarin is used to:

  • Regenerate liver cells damaged by alcohol or drugs
  • Decongest the liver (A liver decongestant stimulates bile flow through the liver and gallbladder, thus reducing stagnation and preventing gallstone formation and bile-induced liver damage.)
  • Increase the survival rate of patients with cirrhosis4
  • Complement the treatment of viral hepatitis5
  • Protect against industrial poisons, such as carbon tetracholoride (a colorless gas that leaks into air, water and soil near manufacturing and waste sites)6
  • Protect the liver against pharmaceuticals that stress the liver, such as acetaminophen and tetracycline1
  • Antidote and prevent poisoning from the death cap mushroom, Amanita phalloides 789

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