Oxytocin Improves Sex, Sociability and Mood

Have you heard about oxytocin? It turns out that many people with anxiety, depression, poor social bonding or sexual difficulties are low in oxytocin and you can use low doses of oxytocin as a natural supplement (like you would melatonin or DHEA). It is safe and natural (good for you, actually) and now available without a prescription.

According to Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, a leading anti-aging physician practicing in Brussels who has experimented with supplemental oxytocin:

“After oxytocin I was enjoying chatting with people. So it seemed like oxytocin made me more sociable and warm-hearted. It made me much more attached [to his wife] in a romantic way; the attachment was a deep warm-hearted feeling. In my experience, in most of my patients and myself using it, it works to increase all relationships that you have.”

Click here to read about oxytocin.

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